Videos and photos related to Saint Anne's Shrine
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New historic bilingual sign
St. Anne’s Shrine has a new Vermont Historic marker that is bilingual -- only the third created by the state.
Jubilee of Mercy
Fr. Brian shares the history of the Shrine during this video to promote the Diocese of Burlington's Year of Mercy Jubilee event for Family Life
Shrine Photos in Summer
Photos of the Shrine taken by various photographers
Isle La Motte
The Shrine is highlighted in this story that aired on NECN in which Jack Thurston takes you on a tour of the beautiful Champlain Islands.

Pontigny Society Retreat
The Pontigny Society holds a yearly retreat at the Shrine

SMC Admission Retreat
The Office of Admission from Saint Michael's College held a retreat at St. Anne’s Shrine May 14-15.

Student Retreats at St. Anne's Shrine
View the slideshow of photos from retreats held at the Shrine. Photos will be added periodically.
Saint Michael's Athletics Presentation
View the presentation prepared by Chris Kenny, Director of Athletics at Saint Michael's College, about his athletes' relationship with the Shrine.
A Historical Presentation
View the presentation prepared by Rev. Richard Myhalyk, SSE on the history of Saint Anne's Shrine.

Installation of Refurbished Crucifix
The center crucifix was re-installed for the Stations of the Cross and was blessed by Fr. Brian Cummings on May 3, 2020.

Pilgrimage Photos

Photos of Groups Visiting the Shrine

NY Knights of Columbus Mass and BBQ Photos

Shrine Volunteer Day
The Shrine grounds received quite a bit of damage in 2011 after significant flooding from Lake Champlain. Many wonderful volunteers spent a day in June helping us prepare the Shrine for the new pilgrimage season.
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