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April 2024

Dear Friends of St. Anne's Shrine,

The eight-day period from Easter Sunday to the following Sunday is known as the Easter Octave. Each day is celebrated as an Easter Sunday with a Gloria sung or recited and an Alleluia chanted twice at the end of each Mass. The liturgical readings proclaimed during this week are among my favorites as we hear unique resurrection stories from all four Gospels.

Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb, encounters the risen Lord, and becomes the first to proclaim the resurrection. Peter and the beloved disciple John have their foot race to the empty tomb. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus encounter a “stranger” whom they recognize as Jesus in the breaking of the bread. The disciples return to their trade of fishing only to be called by the risen Lord from the shore, Jesus feeds them breakfast and Peter professes his love for Jesus three times. These Gospel stories are gems and invite us to be present with Jesus in his resurrected glory.

The resurrection of Jesus is the basis of our Christian hope and is the most fundamental teaching of our faith. As Pope Benedict XVI wrote: “The Christian faith stands or falls with the truth of the testimony that Christ is risen from the dead.” Without the resurrection, every other teaching is meaningless. And what is crucial to understand is that this article of faith was spread through the testimony of others who were with Jesus. No one witnessed the resurrection of Jesus as it happened, but the disciples experienced Jesus as risen and alive. Our resurrection faith relies on their bold proclamation of Jesus being raised as narrated in the Acts of the Apostles. This is the basis of our hope that we too along with our loved ones will rise with Christ in the resurrection.

St. Anne’s Shrine exists primarily to continue the testimony that Jesus was in fact raised from the dead. Our mission is to celebrate resurrection faith joyfully and renew the hope of all pilgrims who visit these holy grounds. This apostolate is dependent on the generosity of friends such as you who share financial resources so that we can offer this ministry which has been conducted by the Edmundites for 120 years. In the coming pilgrimage season, we have many activities scheduled such as our weekly reflections series and the traditional celebration of our Feast days. We have preparations to make, grounds to tend and ongoing maintenance of our facilities. Your financial gift allows us to provide an environment that is prayerful and beautiful. Please consider helping us open the pilgrimage season of celebrating the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation.

Thank you for all your support and please visit us this summer. A Schedule of Events along with our new Mass times can be found on the Shrine's website. Thank you again for all you do for us. God bless you!


​​Rev. Brian J. Cummings, S.S.E.

Spiritual Director

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