Guidelines for Weddings at the Chapel of Saint Anne's Shrine
The Marriage ceremony normally takes place in the home parish of the bride or groom, but some weddings are permitted in the Shrine Chapel. Those wishing to celebrate their marriage in the Chapel must meet the following requirements:
1. The couple should have good pastoral reasons for being married in the Shrine Chapel, rather than in their home parish.
2. There should be a formal relationship between the couple and the Shrine. At least one party must be either a parishioner of St. Amadeus Church or St. Joseph's Mission; a student, member of the faculty or staff of the Shrine and/or St. Michael's College; or a benefactor of Saint Anne's Shrine.
3. Those requesting to celebrate their marriage ceremony at the Shrine should be practicing their faith.
4. During our pilgrimage season (mid-May to mid-October) pending the availability of a priest, weddings can be celebrated on any day except Sunday. Mass times for weddings Monday through Friday can begin anytime between 12:30 and 6 pm., and on Saturdays, 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. A date and time must also be scheduled for your rehearsal.
5. Requests for permission to be married at the Shrine Chapel shall be sent in writing to the Spiritual Director of the Shrine at least six (6) months before the wedding. The request should indicate the pastoral reasons why the marriage ceremony should take place at the Shrine Chapel and the relationship of both parties to the Shrine. The letter must include a statement by the couple stating that they have read these guidelines and agree to follow them. Please include home address, work, home, mobile telephone numbers and email addresses for each party. A letter confirming the date and time of your wedding will be sent to you.

6. The music for your marriage ceremony must be planned with the assistance of Armand Messier who may be contacted at (802) 868-9900 or via email at All music at wedding ceremonies should adhere to the Music Guidelines for Weddings issued by the Diocese of Burlington. There are no exceptions to these music guidelines as we are accountable to the Bishop's Office. Guest musicians are allowed only on a limited basis and only with prior approval of the Spiritual Director.
7. Within six months of the wedding date, the couple should obtain copies of their baptismal records. These can be obtained from the parishes where the baptisms took place. The baptismal certificates must be recent and must be issued within six months of the wedding date. (Do not send original baptismal certificates)
8. The bride or groom must also present a written note from the pastor granting permission to get married in the Chapel of Saint Anne's Shrine (Diocesan regulation).
9. The couple is required to participate in a formal Diocesan or parish approved "Pre-Marriage Program." Such a program not only acquaints the couple with the spiritual, social, financial and sexual dimensions of marriage, it helps the couple to deepen their relationship with one another.
Applications for the Pre-Cana Program and information concerning the dates, times and places for programs in the Burlington area are available through the Diocese of Burlington, 50 Joy Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 658-6110. The couple must also complete the Fully Engaged Survey with the priest or deacon witnessing the marriage.
10. Persons marrying in the State of Vermont must obtain a civil license from a Vermont Town Clerk. If both bride and groom are Vermont residents, you may go to the town clerk in either of your towns of residence. If just one of you resides in a Vermont town, you must obtain the license in that town. If neither party is a Vermont resident, you may obtain the license from any town clerk in the state. The license is valid for sixty days from the date of issue and costs $60.
11. Civil Weddings by a Justice of the Peace are not allowed in the Chapel or on the Shrine grounds.
12. Decorations, flowers, photographers, etc. are the responsibility of the couple.
13. Contracting with musicians and/or vocalists for your wedding is your responsibility.
14. A contribution of $250 to Saint Anne’s Shrine is requested of all couples celebrating their marriage at the Shrine.
15. If a visiting priest presides at the ceremony, the music must be provided by either of the Shrine music directors, Jerome Monachino or Armand Messier. Visiting priests from outside the state of Vermont must obtain permission from the government to witness the marriage. Call (802) 372-8350 to obtain the necessary application forms.
Or write to:
Grand Isle Probate Court
P.O. Box 7
North Hero, VT 05474
16. No aisle runners are permitted in the Chapel due to safety concerns.
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