Furthering the Mission of Saint Anne's Shrine depends on the generosity of you, our faithful friends, supporters and devoted pilgrims. We are assisted by many members of the Society of St. Edmund, along with our dedicated Board of Advisors, Committee Members, staff and volunteers.
During the year, we correspond with our many friends receiving requests for prayers and Mass Intentions, we post a periodic "Message from Father Brian", and we gather for our special events such as our annual Diocesan Family Day Mass and Picnic, and our annual Harvest Dinner meeting with friends, old and new, to discover and re-discover the treasure that is Saint Anne's Shrine! Of course, the highlight of the year is our Pilgrimage Season which begins in mid-May and continues through mid-October with our outdoor celebrations of the Eucharistic, Weekly Summer Reflection Series, along with many other scheduled events. This gives us the opportunity to reconnect with our friends and benefactors from near and far!
We continue to receive and welcome your generous donations and support via this web page. The seasonal Sunday collections account for only 14% of our annual budgeted revenue to meet our operating expenses. Know that we appreciate and depend upon your friendship and support that makes it possible for us to continue to offer a Place of Pilgrimage and Reconciliation.
If you are interested in making a lasting impact to support our ministry either through your estate or with other financial instruments, please see our Planned Giving page.

To make a gift in memory of a loved one, please send us an email at after you submit your gift and we will add them to our prayers.
1. We will listen when you communicate with us and honor your requests because we care about you and we will respect your privacy with confidentiality.
2. We will never rent or exchange your mailing address or contact information with other organizations.
3. We will promptly acknowledge your gifts so you can easily keep track of your charitable giving.
4. We will report back to you in a timely manner through acknowledgement letters, so you know what you are accomplishing through your support.
5. We will be good stewards of your gifts – ensuring that your donations go directly to support the work of Saint Anne’s Shrine.
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